Thursday 30 November 2017

Fraud Prevention Information Resources- Merchant Services


Here are helpful sources that can provide more information and assistance on avoiding Echeck processing fraud in your business.


  • – Includes tips, regulations, news and fraud features from VISA. (Choose the option for merchants/businesses.)
  • – Includes tips, regulations, news and fraud features from MasterCard. (Choose the option for merchants.)
  • – United States Postal Service website to validate an address physically exists. This does not confirm that a person lives at the address but does confirm the address is real.
  • – Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) The IFCC is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. This site allows victims of Internet fraud to report fraud online to the appropriate law enforcement and regulatory authorities.
  • – This is a list of freight forwarders. Many times international criminals will ship to these addresses and have the order sent on to its final destination(s) by the freight forwarding company.


  • VISA Merchant Account Verification Service 800-847-2750 AUTOMATED
    Option 1, Address Verification: enter in the numeric portion of the street address, zip code, and VISA card number and it will advise you if there is a match. Option 2, Issuing Bank Phone numbers: enter the VISA card number and it will provide you with the 800 number for the issuing bank if available.

  • MasterCard Assist 800-622-7747
    Select your language preference, then Option 2. Enter the MasterCard card number and it will provide you with the 800 number for the issuing bank if available.

  • Discover Address Verification 800-347-7988 AUTOMATED
    You will need your Discover Merchant number. Enter the Discover card number and address information, and it will advise you if there is a match.

  • American Express Address Verifications 800-528-2121
    Option 3 allows you to verify the name and address of a particular AMEX card number.

These Fraud Prevention Tips are not an amendment to your Merchant Processing Agreement, the Terms of Service, or the Merchant Operating Guide, governing your processing relationship with Merchant Stronghold. These Fraud Prevention Tips are provided to enhance your awareness of circumstances in which potential fraudulent activity may occur and offer suggested measures to combat, reduce, or minimize the impact of the acceptance of fraudulent transactions.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Know About Low Risk Merchant Account

International businesses depicting lower risks need credit card processing solutions. A number of retail and e-commerce merchants are covered by our merchant services. These services can provide you with the right processing solutions under all circumstances. Our wide network of banking partners allow us to provide an efficient payment processing package within a small period of time. It just takes up to 4 days for us to come up with a payment processing package that may be customized and liked by all low-risk merchant.

You’ve boarded the right platform if you’re looking for a quick credit card processing solution. It’s really simple to get started with our Payehub merchant services; all you need to do to get started is to click on the button shown above. Our professionals are always there to assist you in case you have a query. Our live representative will be there to guide you whenever you’re seeking online help.

Features of a Low Risk Merchant

Merchants in our payment processing world are categorized under low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk categories. There are a number of business factors that determine their risk levels like that of the country wherein they got incorporated and their processing history.

The following criterion is a perfect match for any business that falls into the low-risk category –

  • Every month an amount lower than $20,000 is processed by you
  • The average size of ticket that you possess is lower than $50
  • Your chargeback ratio is quite low
  • The industry that you cater to reflects a lower risk
  • The country of your incorporation falls into a low-risk category

Are you quite sure that you depict a lower risk? We’re here to assist you. Our live chat feature helps you get in touch with our online representative and get your queries resolved.

Low Risk Categories

At Merchantstronghold, we have a strong platform that enables us to accommodate various types of businesses and serve their target audiences efficiently. A large number of businesses have found financial solutions through our huge network of banking partners. We’ve roped in the following industries for our low-risk merchant accounts –

  • Home Goods
  • Pet Supplies
  • Movies, CDs and Books
  • Beauty & Health
  • Office Supplies
  • Online Apparel
Retail and Online Merchant Accounts

Global merchant accounts can be established by Merchantstronghold for e-commerce purposes as we work with global merchants. At the same time, we also offer retail merchant accounts for all businesses that are based in the US. Our POS systems and online payment processing solutions yield the same benefits as that of our retail payment processing solutions. Read through our US merchant services website for collecting more information on our merchant accounts.

Merchantstronghold Payment Gateway

You’ll gain access to our payment gateway (which is PCI compliant), once you qualify for a merchant account with Payehub. An approval is followed by the process of integration, which enables our tech team to attach the gateway with your payments page. Payments that you make through your website will be considered for processing via our gateway. This process adds more security to the customer data and provides our customer the necessary peace of mind. Upon approval, no additional fee is charged for integrating the payment gateway.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Best Online Payment Gateway Provider-Merchant Stronghold

Merchant Stronghold: Best Payment Gateway Provider

Merchant Stronghold is one of the leaders in the merchant account industry. We offer payment Gateways and payment options that no one in this industry offers. Executing an agreement with merchant service provider is the first step towards accepting credit card payments. Before Opening a merchant account, you should know which account is best for your business. If you choose the right account, it will solvae many of your problems and increase profit margin.

There aren’t many merchant account providers who understand the worries of business owners. Every business has a size, some are small and others may be big industries. Keeping these facts in consideration, we provide a solution that best fits your business needs. Our payment gateway can accept any card and electronic checks.

We have more than one solution for your business. Those merchants who want to utilize mobile payments, our system can help you to accept payment from any android or apple smartphones too. All you need is our help, we will equip your business with modern gateways that will accept payments from everywhere in the world.

Merchant Account Pricing
You will find our pricing very competitive. You can take benefit of our affordable rates for MasterCard and Visa. We offer a range of products and services that are tailored to a number of businesses. Either it is fraud management, Education, or PCI compliance support, we can integrate our payment system with your business. We are providing our expert services to many businesses, and our merchant accounts are processing thousands of transactions on a regular basis.

24/7 Merchant Support
We offer services that are personalized for your business. To get started, our customer support experts work closely with you so that you can choose the best merchant service and payment method for your business. You can ask questions to our customer support team, they will help you with chargebacks and other issues 24/7. We will make sure that you understand everything related to your merchant account.

You may already be familiar with merchant accounts and be accepting credit cards. But if you have just started your e-commerce business, you probably need a gateway that is suitable for the business. There is a profit different between the business centered gateway and any payment gateway.
We have powerful products and premium services. You can get your merchant account to control costs and boost your business towards success. We are sure that story of your success will start by integrating modern merchant account with your E-commerce site.

Monday 27 November 2017

Online High Risk Merchant Account for Gaming Business

As of now, the greatest internet gaming markets are generally found in the EU. The European online betting industry is justified regardless of an anticipated 10 billion Euros. The reason is that a few nations, for example, the US and China confine betting intensely or permit it in specific territories like Las Vegas and Macau.

In spite of the fact that an ever-increasing number of web-based wagering organizations are developing, there is still a lot of room in the business, which is anticipated to represent twofold digit development in 2017 and the years to come.

Merchant Services for online gambling

Online gambling is regularly known as gaming inside the merchant services industry. It’s selected as high risk by most card processing providers. The reasons are as follows:

Online betting organizations highlight a high-volume turnover

Most gaming businesses are based offshore

On the off chance that the business is a startup or new, getting banks can be put off by the absence of credit and exchange history

In any case, in the event that you operate in the high risk industry such as gaming and internet betting, you shouldn’t think you can’t secure a merchant account for your business. All you require is to turn to a reputable payment processor like that specializes in the high risk area and knows your professional business like no one else. Merchant Stronghold specializes in merchant accounts developed specifically for gaming and casino companies.

Gaming Merchant Account from Merchant Stronghold

Merchant Stronghold specializes in both online gaming merchant accounts and online gaming payment gateways and offers the best gaming merchant account in the industry. Merchant Stronghold’s team of experts in online gambling payment processors work intimately with suppliers to guarantee you can get the best for your business needs.

Voted the #1 High Risk Merchant Account Services Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore merchant accounts.

Friday 24 November 2017

Are You Ready For Black Friday Small Business 2017?

The day after Thanksgiving is in the name of shopping. It was initially called Black Friday since such huge numbers of individuals went out to shop that it caused auto collisions and once in a while even brutality. 'The day after Thanksgiving' formally opens the Christmas shopping season.

Now in the World of Technology, now a Days People Shop just By Sitting at Home using Their Phones, tablets, Computer, while sipping their Coffee, having a Snack and Everything is done on the Tip of the Fingers without any hassle, Surprisingly, 53% of all requests on a year ago Thanksgiving Day originated from cell phones.

As per Merchant Stronghold, this pattern is set to proceed, with the versatile income overwhelming desktop in the nick of time for Black Friday 2017.
It went ahead to foresee that versatile will achieve 70% of online business activity before the finish of 2018.
The shopping extravaganza following Thanksgiving is November 24, 2017. It's customarily the busiest shopping day of the year since it commences the Christmas season. This season is vital for the economy on the grounds that around 30 percent of yearly retail deals happen between Black Friday and Christmas.
Online Shopping Advantages
- Larger Selection/Inventory
- More Stores
- More Efficient
- No Sales Tax
- Easy Payment
- Free Shipping

This is why Online business arrangements may provide key to success in this highly competitive marketplace.
So get Your Business Online and start Your own Online Store and Experience the Profits like never before.
Get your Merchant Account approved
Visit Our Website         
Contact Us On :- +1 888-622-6875
                            +1 844-465-4723
Email Address:-

Thursday 23 November 2017

Online E-commerce Merchants Account Services

A number of global, offshore and domestic acquiring banks are helping Merchantstronghold to create a network for over a decade. E-commerce industries involve a number of online businesses. These businesses can be served with merchant accounts falling under high-risk to low-risk businesses. It will be easier for you to find the right credit card processing solution regardless of whether you’re some e-commerce veteran or looking for an online merchant account for the first time.

Is Your Industry Qualified?

You must check out if Merchantstronghold may accept the e-commerce industry you’re into. You won’t have any reason to worry, in case you aren’t sure of the industry into which your business is running or if you aren’t aware of your industry. A number of merchant accounts may be customized depending on individual cases. This has allowed Merchant Stronghold to rope in a number of e-commerce merchants. To get started, you must select the live chat option in order to know if you’ll qualify for the merchant services of Merchantstronghold.

The following criterion is a perfect match for any business that falls into the low-risk category –
  • Every month an amount lower than $20,000 is processed by you
  • The average size of ticket that you possess is lower than $50
  • Your chargeback ratio is quite low
  • The industry that you cater to reflects a lower risk
  • The country of your incorporation falls into a low-risk category
Are you quite sure that you depict a lower risk? We’re here to assist you. Our live chat feature helps you get in touch with our online representative and get your queries resolved.

Get Started Immediately

You’ll just need a couple of business days for accepting payments after your e-commerce merchant account gets approved. The new acquiring bank is contacted by our in-house managers that deal with merchant accounts. During this time, our tech team helps in integrating our payment gateway with your website.

Check Out Additional E-Commerce Industries

Your list will be updated with e-commerce industries that have just been accepted as new partnerships are developed between Merchantstronghold and various international acquiring banks. Keep looking for additional industries and get in touch with us if you require a quick and safe credit card processing solution.

Best Online Running Tour and Travel Business : You are at High Risk (MCC 4722)

If you run a travel agency as a tour operator, or hotel operator planning to the same then you must be excited by the opportunities in High Risk.

Before start receiving online funds, you must setup payment gateway for your merchant account.

Your online payment gateway basically makes it possible for your customer’s payment to reach the merchant bank’s processor.

But if you are just starting, then getting a merchant account for business is the toughest job.

Good financial credibility also not getting a merchant account for you. You may or may not be aware, but the real and only reason is that your business model falls under high risk.

And banks and merchant gateway providers think that they have credit risk involved with the industry you are in.
This is not because the salesperson does not want your business.

This is because the bank or their processor will not accept high risk businesses because of the regulatory and/or charge-back risk.

But remember, all is not lost. With some negotiations and risk management strategies, all of this can be overcome.

  • Find consultants who specialize in the helping high risk merchants finding a merchant account.
  • We at merchant stronghold provide you the same.
  • If you have a good record of risk, fraud, and charge-backs, you will be required to provide at least 6 months of prior financials to prove it.
  • The best side of this is that if you can provide financial statements of 3 years, you will have more leverage to negotiate a better deal.
  • If you are a new company with a weak or non-existent record, you will be required to accept a highly managed relationship.
  • A common mistake that everyone does is to find big banks and merchant account, providers.
  • If these processors receive any hint that you are high risk, there is a chance that the merchant account will be terminated.
  • Develop and put into action a strong fraud prevention plan. Introduce new tools that will help you detect and fight fraud.
  • Purchase a financial failure insurance plan to boost financial security.
These actions will be enough to get a merchant account for your tour and travel business. Just because you’ve been rejected for a merchant account before, doesn’t mean you will not get approval again.

When it comes to your business plan and financials, providing complete transparency is a great way to build trust with your processor.

What will separate your business from competitors is that your business model will be optimized to not only survive in the current market but also thrive.

It is necessary for you to choose the best merchant account provider to better your newly founded organization.  You can reach us at +1 (888) 622-6875 or email to

We will be glad to help you in getting a good merchant account for your business.

Feel free to get in touch, we’ll be glad to hear from you!

Wednesday 22 November 2017

How To Open Secure Merchant Account

To Create a Secure Merchant Account Tips:

In United States, Internet Secure affords merchant account services. If someone started a business as owner then they unified with the Internet Secure merchant gateway where provide authorization to payment process through any method like order forms, shopping cart, or standard orders.


For a business owner, it’s stressful that merchant account will go to rejection. A contradiction might make you question to your business existence. In fact, denial of an entire channel of payment processing probably crippling impact on business.


A provider has checked personal credit history of customer i.e. revealing trouble of paying bills. A merchant services provider does not want to get on a customer who can view as a susceptibility, even if a customer that pay in a good proceeding of profit will have to reduce the value to a bad credit history.


A merchant will be labeled as a High-Risk Business and High Risk commit to a raised percentage of chargebacks, it can solely point to the published brand blended with the type of business.When a customer attempts to chargebacks for pay back his credit for one reason or another. The method of fighting chargebacks needs some time and if the merchant loses chargebacks, then it costs everyone who associated.


If business owner looking a Secure Merchant Account follow these steps:

Create a Business Required Strategy
Before reaching merchant services, Recognize some circumstances:

Should be looking which payment type preferred by customers.
Which you prefer for order and transactions i.e. phone order or online transactions.
You are providing recurring fees support system.
Above factors will help you to determine the best type of merchant account for business. A merchant may need to a secure payment gateway for their business to take securely order at over day and i.e. integrate with website. If you willing to recurring monthly payment then you should able to take Automated Clearing House payments.

Comparing Option should be start
You may research the market and their find at least ones that give you an idea to make enticing for your business. When you appoint a salesman and talking about your product who agrees on low processing fees, you should ask yourself how they can manage to obtain it so low?The real risk of low budget companies when sacrificing on quality and trouble with satisfaction can take businesses down.

Able to Setting it up and Moving Better
By the way, this is different of determining a business leader, for a powerful way to grow their business and moving instantly.Sometimes a merchant takes so many days to fulfill every step included with getting account activation. Sometimes a merchant takes so many days to fulfill every step included with getting account activation. But if you had a planned to set up your business, may take minimum time to become business track.